
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule
Physical Name : RU_ICD_CHG_ALW

A rule denoting how a particular Charge or Allowance in an InventoryControlDocument is to be treated in the financial reporting systems.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRuleID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the rule denoting how a particular Charge or Allowance in an InventoryControlDocument is to be treated in the financial reporting systems. ID_ICD_CHG_ALW_RU Identity integer
FinancialLedgerAccountID (FK) The reference for the FinancialLedgeraAccount ID_ACNT_LDG Identity integer FinancialLedgerAccount(CO_LE_ACNT_FN)
RuleName The common name of the rule denoting how a particular Charge or Allowance in an InventoryControlDocument is to be treated in the financial reporting systems. NM_RU Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDChargeLineItem
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDFreightLineItem
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDAllowanceLineItem
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDTaxExemptionModifier
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDTaxLineItem
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDMerchandiseTaxLineItem
ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule defines processing for ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier

Logical Views containing ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule

Logical View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View